nah windows will not let you disable things like windows defender and telemetry, even if you have windows enterprise edition. It might be possible to delete it some of the bloatware, but it’ll just reinstall itself in an update.
nah windows will not let you disable things like windows defender and telemetry, even if you have windows enterprise edition. It might be possible to delete it some of the bloatware, but it’ll just reinstall itself in an update.
Interesting! Is that usually like HDbaseT or SDVoE? Would you recommend it for menus and screens in a bar?
I could see a lot of uses for a product like this for bars and offices I work in, but I would imagine the could might be prohibitive if it’s more than a few hundred dollars per unit.
Imagine a future where video was just ethernet and we didn’t have to worry about crappy cables or DRM
Yeah, probably wont be possible for people to make their own data cables for much longer. Fiber cables are much cheaper and thinner than copper at least, so not as much of an issue to buy different sizes instead of making them yourself.
tbh high bandwidth cables over copper are a bit of an anti pattern.
Would be a lot cheaper and compact if ethernet and video over fiber were more popular already
HD baseT
tie the cable into a knot, it’s the fastest and least damaging way to store cables
Unraid is very unstable and hard to repair when it breaks
I’ve met sysadmins who say that unironically 😅
Yup, same here. being able to skip all the networking and DNS hassle and have it automated for you is so nice.
Having databases fully managed with cnpg is AMAZING
I just have renovate set to auto update my argocd, so everything just runs itself with zero issues. Only the occasional stateful container that has breaking changes in a minor version.
If something OOMs or crashes, it all just self heals, I never need to worry about it. I don’t have any HPAs (nor cluster scaling obv), though I do have some HA stuff set up just to reduce restart times and help keep the databases happy.
The main issue with Kubernetes is that a lot of self-hosted software makes bad design decisions that actively make kubernetes harder, eg sqlite instead of postgres and secrets stored in large config files. The other big issue is that documentation only supports docker compose and not kubernetes 90% of the time so you have to know how to write yaml and read documentation.
Moving my hass from a statefulset to kubevirt sounds tempting. Did you have better reliability/ergonomics? I have been looking into moving my Hass automation to NodeRed, so that I can GitOps it all, since NodeRed supports git syncing.
Docker got popular because of dockerfiles. It really sucks at service management though which is why people run Kubernetes in production, not Docker.
Kubernetes is designed to improve reliability
NixOS is the better source-based distro. Everything can compile from source, but you can also use the binary cache if you don’t want to.
yeah, networkd isn’t better than Network Managar or just static IPS imo.
Also, resolved is horribly buggy and unusable. Tried for a while and switched to dnscrypt proxy 2 instead
ITT: systemd haters get overly upset about someone on the internet deciding to use systemd
you dont have to be white to have light skin or be goth
Argentina and North Korea are second world countries
Sebastian Siemiatkowski, worth $3B.
This article is him bragging btw, he loves to talk about how he replaced 700 employees with AI.
He’s also personally involved in union busting in Sweden.
He also wrote on Musk’s social media today that he wants to tear up money laundering regulations on his loan shark company:
I really don’t fucking feel bad for him.
spinning 3 plates