my problem was i couldn’t find where it is and search engines couldn’t provide an answer, but just now i learned you can find out where something is installed with
whereis appname
my problem was i couldn’t find where it is and search engines couldn’t provide an answer, but just now i learned you can find out where something is installed with
whereis appname
in mint cinnamon it still has no power, wine is not in the context menu or program list!
if updates take long then change source to a local tests their speed for you. it’s a bit annoying that it won’t do it automatically.
once an update took away all of my sound devices in mint. had to roll back a few times and update a few packages at a time to find which freedesktop update broke it, then blacklisted it. that was the only time mint broke anything by itself.
if i use my bt headphones on winfows, it works only as hands-free, which has lower quality. even then it will fall behind, after 10 mins of listening there will be like a 10 sec delay. until it soon fails completely. will not connect at all on android. works without issues on all my linux machines.
I admit I also avoid the terminal as much as I can, but it is convenient when installing multiple programs for example. when something requires anything else than just adding the repo and then sudo apt install program, usually I run into some errors too and I can’t figure it out. the only thing I use it for in a new install is installing all the apps I need, and setting up smb share.
the updating thing then, in linux your programs are updated with the system update manager. you can automate it too.
one annoying thing I have to deal with is that mullvad vpn app needs a repository but it’s not supported by mint, so to update it, I have to manually download it from their website… other than mullvad, I just avoid programs that make it too difficult to install.
you literally just need to copy and paste the commands 🤣
I always get pooped on when I say this, but I didn’t like 7. it brought the confusing libraries, ugly glass theme, and all computers I used it on, explorer (file manager, taskbar) crashed a lot and had to do win+r -> explorer.exe to get it going again.
I liked vista, but I only used it on my very first pc and for not much else but web browsing. I also liked 8.1, just needed to tweak it a bit, like replace that horrible start menu. I had instructions for myself for all kinds of registry stuff that needed to be done to a fresh install.
hated 10 from the beginning because it immediately seemed like it fights back too much, forcing microshit down your throat, and all that spying crap.
and finally when I saw 11…well, I’ve used mint for about two years now.
to make the transition smoother, first find out what programs you will be needing and if they are natively supported on linux. and if not, what are the alternatives.
try mint in the live usb thing first and you have some free space on your disk, install mint alongside windows for dual booting…or use virtualbox. this way you can take a peek and realize you don’t need no microshiets
I have actually been itching to do that, but I read that it messes up cinnamon so there’s no going back and I don’t have the time to do a full reinstall now. btw what happens to all the software you have installed? do they stay and still work properly?
I have tried both kde and gnome many times and i can’t stand either one. I’m forever stuck in cinnamon.
somehow every distro that ships with kde has tons of big bugs that I can’t figure out (probably related to my setup), and gnome feels like a tablet UI. cinnamon won’t autosuspend but it’s the smallest headache of these…
fun story, i almost went crazy for troubleshooting why my desktop (mint cinnamon) often wouldn’t autosuspend or even turn off the monitor.
after a good half a year it turned out to be three different issues. autosuspend and monitor were two separate issues in cinnamon that i found a workaround for, and i also found out from the log that something wakes it up every now and then. at first i thought my cats stomp on the keyboard, but they avoid touching it. what actually happens is that when my other cat hops off my chair, static electricity wakes the pc up…