if you are using ahk for things like macros, xbindkeys is your friend! It allows you to bind any command to a key or combo.
if you’re on wayland there’s no real alternative, as usual.
Oui monsieur bonjour croquette
t-tkt tktktk t-t
Uh huh croissant et vous et ver
tkt-t tktktktkt
Maurice Chevalier Eiffel Tower
t-t-t-t tkt t
Oui Marie baguette bonsoir
t tkt tkt tkt
seems i’ve been a bit mistaken. on page 68 of the GU SOM-census you can see the enormous shift in the public opinion. unfortunately it doesn’t go beyond 2022. i’d be interested in seeing how it changed through the application process. Officerstidningen says support went down after 2022 but they don’t have a graph.
i still think it was a brexit-style peek above the surface for the join side, because the stuff we’ve had to give up to join has not been popular.
as long as it works on a full consensus system for decisions it’s a time bomb.
bit too much enthusiasm on Troy’s face to match reality. we didn’t want to join. the current government didn’t promise joining during the elections. there was no referendum, and at no point during the past ten years would the join side have won if there was one.
we had to remove trade barriers to get in. we put those up because we didn’t want to sell weapons to countries systematically violating human rights on their own soil.
i think there’s also a vim-mini
that gets installed by default in some debian-based distros.
vim has a limited “vi-mode” that it uses if you call it as vi. so it could still be vim.
nothin much, what’s up with you?
i usually use endeavour but am currently trialling aeon. so… mcdhackerchad?
because the stringy bits, like the rind, are bitter, which changes the flavour of the fruit.
here it comes in two varieties, one is about 10cm across, one about 5 and comes as a ring. don’t know how the big ones are made but i assume they are boiled. good sandwich spread.
there’s a smoked horse sausage here that’s great. it’s very different than beef or pork so it can’t be used in the same way, but it’s very good.
horse is good eating. good for the climate too, since horses require so much maintenance. if we eat’em, they’re gone.
only a tiny one
2000mm caliber means each of those barrels are at least 2.2m (≈7ft3in) outer diameter. probably more. just for reference.
where’s the cat lady from treasure planet
a config file can do only what the program that reads it allows. if the program that reads the file is just bash…
i’ve always took dissociation to mean a form of involuntary perspective shift where you no longer identify as yourself and you stop seeing meaning in the things around you, just looking at shapes. sort of a disconnect from the real world.