Then they’d be a little fan club.
Then they’d be a little fan club.
Yes, I got that. I was just primed to make some sort of joke of my own, but didn’t have such a good one. I loved your Spanish question marks :-D
In some places, policemen are respected members of the community who help society.
The queue. It’s a British thing.
Edit: your one’s much better; just adding this edit so people don’t miss it ;-)
For occasional programs, or things like games, I’ll agree. For most software I use, no thanks.
“I wish I wasn’t primarily bred to be food…”
I thought wine on Linux pulls in a load of 32-bit libraries so it still works on 64-bit systems.
And harder to fix vulnerabilities in a linked library, and more bloat in both storage space and memory used.
Also you can do strafing runs on aircraft carriers.
See, I couldn’t bring myself to type that; I think I’d have to alias it to ‘bother’.
Gulf of Mexico, for the small price of moving to Mexico.
I love OSMAnd for openstreetmap. Great for offline maps, and able to download whole countries in advance. There’s lighter weight apps now, I think; OSMAnd has lots of features, many which I don’t need, but I still love it after picking it up when it was maybe the only one.
Doesn’t do traffic (I don’t think?) and it’s routing used to be lacklustre. Search function still seems rubbish to me, but maybe I’m using it wrong. (If I’m searching for a place rather than looking on the map I’ll often use Google maps to get a lat/lon or plus code, then put that into OSM!)
I think now it’s Windows Cloud Commander 11000, soon to be re-integrated into your Office 366 account. Elevated privileges require a premium subscription.
Thanks for doing the research!
And, for apparently the first time, I wonder. Does Linux Mint refer to the plant/ingredient, connecting obviously with Cinnamon desktop, the green theme, and inviting variations called Linux Peppermint and Linux Spearmint? Or does it originate from being Linux, in Mint condition?
Perhaps, we can all pretend it’s the second one, and instead of *I use Mint, btw," our catchphrase can be, “I mint Linux, btw.”
Wordpress needs the latest GPU these days, didn’t you know? /s
That is very cool
Should’ve written it in python, smh