I thought that was shin from dorohedoro
I thought that was shin from dorohedoro
The brain need some sweet sweet glucose
Imported? No way we getting fancy by drinking growlers from the local brewery
the average person doesnt know how to mount a drive on windows or even what that is or why you would want to, they just need to be able to open a browser
Have you ever been inserted or had something inserted?
Gotta keep the giants and dragons warm
whatever book they are talking about that has a whole compendium of humor, im not sure what exactly it is
Im sorry I dont get it either
After you’ve read the jokes in the book you will miss the feeling of laughing the first time you read them
My wife was just telling me about trying to look up information on a phone in her dream and couldn’t get it to give her useful information, she was trying to figure information on a disaster or something that was happening in her dream
Your phone had a windows blue screen of death
Is that like rebranded lunchables
Prime drink? Is that like a verification can
why dont they call it the cow flu then
You just take the cap off and plug it in twice on a computer
that and limit caffeine to several hours before you sleep since caffeine messes with your bodies ability to purge adenosine, it just builds up so even if you sleep fine if you have caffeine right before bed you will wake up and feel sleepy because the adenosine is still there