Muscle memory mostly. I miss vim keybinding when I have to type in anything else, including Lemmy.
Muscle memory mostly. I miss vim keybinding when I have to type in anything else, including Lemmy.
Well you shouldn’t. Take it off immediately, systemd or the sticker, either will do. She’s stated her position on the matter, and you should respect that!
(/jk I’m not actually having a go at you, stickers are cool, and systemd is pervasive)
You can have your drugs, or you can have Koffing blowing smoke. Make your choice, but choose wisely.
Like a sea turtle trying to get up on a raft.
What a mental image. Brain bleach, stat, please.
Threads like that explain a lot about the state of the world.
I heard you like to irradiate things, so I put a nuke in your nuke, so you can irradiate while you irradiate.
A project Pluto powered missile really would be the ultimate ‘screw you’, it could fly around enemy territory for days or more, spewing radioactive exhaust, launching warheads as it went, before finally hitting a target. Shoot it down and you have a nuclear mess, don’t and you have a wider nuclear mess.
it’s just the B-52 but the bomb bay doors may fall off during flight.
Cunning. Extra munitions built into the airframe and deployable with minimal manual intervention. We’ll take 50.
My god, is systemd ever a piece of crap. Coupled with ‘consistent[ha!] naming’ it’s the single most likely thing to cause a field engineer to scream into the partially-lit datacenter in abject rage and hate. Even more if they remember how fucking sysVinit actually delivered on the promise. Even more if they still remember how well inittab Just Worked.
I agree with everything you’ve said, but this paragraph in particular resonated. We used to have a clean, simple, and predictable, system. Now we have exciting race conditions, a massively over complicated monolith (“but it’s not”, I hear the Lennart’s fans scream, “you can just install the bits you want”. To them I say “Try it. You’ll soon wish for the sweet release of death. Install a good init system instead”), and once simple tasks being swamped by poorly designed tooling.
I’d say the entire design of it is badly thought out, but that implies there was much though given to it’s design at all. It seems more like it simply coagulated. As another commenter said, it’s become popular because it makes the disto builders’ lives easier, not because it’s better, and that leaves everyone actually using the thing in the lurch.
I won’t say a bad word about Gentoo, I enjoyed running it, but if you want to use sysvinit, Debian works fine with it. There’s a page on the wiki (linked form the install guide) on how to do it here. I’ve not run into any issues over the time I’ve been running like this, and having a clean init system makes my day a lot better.
Well obviously. I mean, have you ever tried eating those things without sauce? They’re bland, dry, and uninteresting. Clearly that crow has a more refined palette than that.
It probably also helps lubricate it to make it easier to swallow, crows really are smart.
I’m sure he was, or at least making the statement in a wry way. It’s a very English sort of humour to understate the seriousness of the situation like that.
That reminds my of the quote by “Mad” Jack Churchill on the end of the Second World War: “If it wasn’t for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going another 10 years!”
He was apparently a good leader, being promoted to Colonel, and clearly enjoyed his war. He’s credited with the only confirmed kill with a long bow in the war, wore and used a Claybeg style sword and, on more than one occasion lead the charge in to battle whilst playing his bagpipes and hurling grenades.
In short, he well and truly earned his moniker.
A thermostatic mixer is the usual solution. Set your desired temperature and the valve dynamically adjusts the hot and cold flows to produce that output regardless of input temperatures and presures.
Works great until it jams at the “instantly vaporize target” setting. Which reminds me, I must call a plumber…