I would just bring an e-reader preloaded with Wikipedia and a solar charger. It would be treated as a relic for millennia long after it stopped working and would probably cause a collapse in the time-space continuum, but that’s just how I roll. 😎
I would just bring an e-reader preloaded with Wikipedia and a solar charger. It would be treated as a relic for millennia long after it stopped working and would probably cause a collapse in the time-space continuum, but that’s just how I roll. 😎
The downside of that is you’d only see 3 frames of the first screen before your desktop was ready.
I’ve used Linux for about 15 years and I hate the shit out of it. I’ll keep using it though if it means less Windows.
After Windows 10 drops support, the only proprietary system left will be my Mac which I use for music. I’ll be damned if I’m going to try and get Ableton Live running in Wine with low latency. I really wish it wasn’t like that’s though.
I’ve always felt that if you’re exposing an SSH or any kind of management port to the internet, you can avoid a lot of issues with a VPN. I’ve always setup a VPN. It prevents having to open up very much at all and then you can open configured web portal ports and the occasional front end protocol where needed.
Error: You do not have privileges to run this command. Must be root.
Just as evil are the pages that don’t let you select text or pictures for copying.
So I’m also in this crowd, and I’ve also given my gender as a cishet man lots of consideration. I genuinely don’t identify in the real world ultimately as a woman and don’t really wish I’d been born female. I’m more in the crowd of it just being a different experience or perspective that isn’t otherwise available to me.
If I could easily flip between two universes where I could be either man or woman, I’d be interested, but only if it was reversible. I wouldn’t want it to be permanent.
And this isn’t from the perspective of being gender-fluid either. I wouldn’t want any of that in my current life as it exists right now.