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Any details on that comment? Curious…
Yeah that is not really an “OMG” vulnerability as I can also get into that machine by booting it with a USB drive, or plugging it’s drove into my own machine.
Context matters
Its a very blunt statement but also the way certain people talk. I honestly don’t think Torvalds wants the entire opensuse team tomkill themselves
He didn’t say “hey, <insert name here> go kill yourself”.
He said that if you’re a dev and think its normal to require root password for changing time or connecting to a network, then please kill yourself.
It’s more than anything an expression of frustration in which I recognize myself. I have to deal with a provider from which I won’t be able to leave for at least another year, which is extremely expensive and extremely incompetent, causing me literally days of work and I have wished in more than one occasion that they would all die in a fire because it’s all incompetent managers who don’t do the work they cause all the shit.
When he talks to someone directly, he’ll know, right, Mauro?
Oh hells no
.exe to execute is (probably one of) the worst ideas Microsoft has come up with and has caused endless misery for people.
If you’re talking about a single package to install then there are various solutions for that that are better. There are the apt and rpm packages, Sudo apt install packagename installs everything automatically, or I can do that from a app store if I’m a newbie.
For apps that want a wider net, they can use flatpaks
Anyone complaining that installing software in Linux is always complicated hasn’t installed software on Linux. Yeah I’m a power user but to me it’s factors faster and easier to do this stuff on Linux than on Windows
Yeah, Linux has many ways to get stuff done, that is because many different people want and get their own way. I don’t see this as necessarily bad. With the three ways described above, you can cover pretty much everything
I agree that noone should have to get into a console to get your system or app working but please note that this same shit happens on windows too, just way more bizarre. The amount of times I saw “modify this registry entry with this UUID code” is crazy, while on Linux it’s “run this command or modify that text file”. I still prefer the latter
Agreed here, KDE could use some work too on that part
Still though, I’ll take a funky multi monitor setup over anything windows anytime a day
What Debian based distro with systemd and KDE but without snap could be recommended for use in offices, companies?
Yeah, this article is very unbalanced, shall we say?
As much as I despise the US right now I am not dumb enough to think that Russian hardware is even remotely close to what the US has. For whatever it’s worth, they unfortunately got the best.
Yeah I’m sorry, but when I know you’re religious, any religion, I’ll think less of you. I won’t treat you any different, hell, I will go out of my way to try and show respect for your dumbass skydaddy beliefs, but yeah, I’ll think less of you because frankly, you are. You’re stuck with the mindset of a 5 year old
Yikes, talking about hitting AND completely missing the point
KDE has an enormous system settings GUI.
Having said that, I use the console for like 90% of tasks. Basically I use either the GUI browser, an editor (I’m a dev) and the console through yakuake.
I use the console because it’s way WAY more efficient to get shit done. What teo windows admin do in 30 minutes I do in 30 seconds, and that was an actual event where we had to change DNS configurations inna large amount of customer servers.
Command console is not old tech, it’s efficient tech.
Having said that, most normal users shouldn’t have or need to access the console either and for most of the time, this rings true with Linux now. Yeah, there are few exceptions here and there, but then again, windows too requires these senslrss Registry settings, or sometimes even command line actions as well
I want your blessings all over my face
Are they still married?
These types typically call it quits quickly
God was there
In the corner
Quietly jerking off
Then cumming over the two of them
God is a kinky dude, I like him.
Journald can pound a bag of dicks, it’s the worst.
After a decade of justified hatred against systemd and avoiding it whenever I can I finally found a reason why I might start using it, so I will
Still doesn’t mean that systemd is not bloatware with some horrible features built by a horrible main developer
So what IS the difference between scripting and programming in your view?
I fully agree with you that this guy is a sad little dipshit that should have access to a calculator but whats wrong with being a centrist?