Makes sense, you want your spying software more robust than something unimportant like an OS.
Makes sense, you want your spying software more robust than something unimportant like an OS.
Which for me is just pressing enter.
I remember the old joke when Ubuntu was the hot new thing: If you put grain around the enter key, a chicken can install it.
Nowadays it’s true for every graphical installer. Hell, even NixOS can be installed by pressing enter (though good luck doing anything else after boot if you’re a basic user).
Eh… What? That nevet happened to me. With every new laptop I just turn on Bluetooth, connect my mouse and am done with it.
Did the users you mention accidentally compile Gentoo or something?
You should’ve seen some of the Windows machines I had. Like 25% of them ran horribly and Linux was actually the perfect solution to a laptop I’d otherwise replace with a different model.
Not that Linux is perfect or anything, I have as much issues with it as with Windows. But that’s kinda my point, both suck, might as well use the one that doesn’t spy on me.
As the old Mayans foretold.
Nah, this is the year of Linux on desktop for everyone. The old Mayans foretold so.
The year of Linux happened a long time ago. I assume you mean the year of Linux on desktop, in which case yes, it’s been foretold.
You can’t, you have to move instances.
Hmm, now that you mention it, you got me thinking I’d actually like the Win11 UI on Linux (without the ads and tracking, of course).
That was kinda heavy sarcasm.
Hardcore Linux users would still not count it and would still wait for Linux on desktop to finally take off.
Source: Linux has 6.73% share on desktop. Except 2.25 percent points are ChromeOS, which is not FOSS enough, so Linux only has 4.48% on desktop.
Win10 was extreme crap, you just feel it was good because Win11 is worse.