Beef is dense enough that parasites can’t penetrate the meat, so you only need the outside to be cooked for safety.
Beef is dense enough that parasites can’t penetrate the meat, so you only need the outside to be cooked for safety.
The post office looks cheap because they get paid to deliver those 300 pieces of junk per week.
A 40k quote with democracy on the end feels so awkward.
That you may have to get the justice system involved to support your rights. I suppose you can call that a consequence.
This is why don’t feed the trolls was a popular refrain. Those people want a response, and banning is a response. It’s a tough line for moderation though, and why shadow banning exists.
You are free to walk down the streets of Harlem with an “I hate niggers” sign. The law still protects you from assault or other actions that others may take against you. You may get fired from your job for such an action, but even then you would still have the right to pursue a wrongful dismissal case.
As for libel/slander. First of all, it’s a civil issue, and you won’t be jailed for it. Secondly, in the US it requires a significant burden of proof. A plaintiff must show it was more likely than not that:
The knork is a dessert/cake fork.
Old reddit culture was just watered down \b\ culture.
Backup communities don’t really exist right now. There are copies of things on other servers l, but they can’t become functioning communities. This has caused some communities to disappear when their instance went down. The biggest I remember is movies and TV related things.
Having a ledger helps with discovery, because instances now don’t know about other communities by default, it requires extra effort to seek them out until someone else has found them and subscribed. It’s not a big deal for established communities, but it does hurt building a new one.
I don’t have a great solution for admin of creation/movement of communities, but this isn’t meant to be a 100% solution. Distributed consensus is a concept that exists though. There’s no reason a community can’t go on a users instance as default, it just enables a community to potentially migrate for various reasons.
This doesn’t necessarily create a walled garden, as no one owns the walls. It does encourage everyone within Lemmy to maximally federate. I can’t say it significantly changes integration with other implementations as they were never very robust in the first place.
It’s not so much recreating reddit, as it is realizing that the content is the important part, not what server holds it. I want centralized content, because that’s how you get critical mass for communities to flourish. Decentralizing the ownership and hosting is where the federation benefits are anyway.
Setting up a new instance wouldn’t be significantly different than today. The difference would be instead of asking each instance individually for what communities they have you would use a distributed ledger to contain a list of communities with their primary and secondary instances. This would create the sigle source of truth for communities. As communities still have to physically exist somewhere, the designated primary instance would have the master record for the community and you could designate secondary instances for resilience and possibly spread out pulling that information.
Moderation doesn’t change significantly, primary instance admins would still be the fallback, but they could designate any user to be a moderator.
Defederation would be a little messy, but not a ton more than it is now. The primary would be the source of truth, if they don’t accept writes from an instance, then those posts and comments wouldn’t exist, (this is basically the same as one way federation now). If an instance wants to read from a community it’s on that instance to drop anything from instances they don’t federate with from the response from the primary.
As above, the primary instance is the source of truth, if a change doesn’t get there. There could be an eventually consistent cache on other instances for usability.
The difficult part would be how to handle changing the primary instance, or designating the primary for a newly created instance.
The same way it does now, maybe more open as users could be from any instance. Instance admins could still have control of communities they are the primary for.
That doesn’t solve the three different news communities, or the 5 dead communities that could have been one small one.
It’s still decentralized control, but the content becomes more searchable.
It would be a fundamental change, but communities should be global and not tied to instances. This would allow for the necessary centralization and reduce duplication. It could also be used to ensure communities survive a in instance going down scenario.
While this is true, I think this post is more a reminder that .ml is garbage.
Fun fact, that scene was the first audible fart joke in film, so it being censored originally makes a little sense.