When my niece was born, she fell asleep to Slayer in the car. Now she’s 6 and know the Goreillaz catalogue better than I do, competes in Highland dancing, and is learning drums and violin.
When my niece was born, she fell asleep to Slayer in the car. Now she’s 6 and know the Goreillaz catalogue better than I do, competes in Highland dancing, and is learning drums and violin.
I struggle to understand what modern insurance companies actually exist for, apart from money people donating money to them for nothing in return.
Good to know. I’ll steer clear of that OS then.
My current shower is like this, especially in winter.
Water as cold as a nebula
tweaks hot faucet a millimetre clockwise
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
So Arch is basically Windows but with nerdnip.
Aye. The US flag should be up there, but sadly times they are a-changin’. Russia’s unlocked some achievements with that.
You’ve got positions in power talking about annexing Denmark’s land…
Russia fought for the Allies and EU in WW2 too. Funny how it all turns out.
It always feels like they’re hunting at MDMA so give 'em a wink and answers next week’s question with, “Oh, I did” 😉😉
Yeah, but the second one is much cheaper to make and appeals to people that think it costs more, so now we’re stuck with this useless, tacky shit.
When you crack that loaf and steam comes out.
Adding anything at that moment would ruin the bread.
Attractive? Who cares about attractive? The sheer comfort alone is a way higher selling point. Most people don’t dress to be attractive, they’re secure enough to just look sensible and be comfortable.
I thought this image had already been vehemently claimed as not the guy, in order to stop putting this guy at risk.
Internet must stop chasing updoots as a priority over chasing the right information.
My friend used to climb massive pine trees late at night in a park across his street, and place traffic cones on top. No one knew who was doing it or why. Many people thought it was the local council marking the trees to be cut down which upset residents. He started noticing police regularly patrolling the area, but he kept doing it and never got caught. It made the local paper, explaining how much confusion and disruption it was causing the police and local council. He hung the article on his wall.
Went on to become a stuntman https://imdb.com/name/nm3068647/
Keep peepee away from lead.