Don’t you need a bite out of the pie to make the 3?
Linux: I can’t stop you.
Na, nothing enterprise boots that fast. Not even with nvme drives.
Greedflation comes for all.
Editing excel spreadsheet? VI
Ewww T568B.
Landline telephones.
Original ones you rotated a hand crank to talk to an operator.
Then came rotary phones, that knowledge is slowly going away and old farts are like ‘young people are stupid because they can’t use a rotary phone’.
Now we have touch tone phones.
Waiting for each line of pixels to appear.
Yes. Because he was cast out for wanting equality
It has been over a decade since I purchased a car and this is from an Australian POV but when you buy a car from a dealer you get the option to get Dealer Warranty which is like the manufacturer warranty but extends after the manufacturer warranty.
My bet is 90% of people forget this exists because it kicked in 5 years after buying the car.
Got to imprit the red vs green at some stage.
You look like the person who makes the super suites from The Incredibles.
Would it be better or worse if they were in a trench coat?
Nothing for the vase ladies from Hercules?
Start by using an existing engine like renpy to get flow and math. Then expand to other engines.
It’s not about locking it.
Mechanics will always misplace a 10mm socket head so the joke is attach the ring to the socket and now the ring will never be found.