Or just installed few months of missing updates, looking at you my broken Manjaro dual-boot
Or just installed few months of missing updates, looking at you my broken Manjaro dual-boot
True, it’s a lot of paperwork and not the most efficient, but I can trust that it will work
Even in tech, there are things that probably haven’t changed in the past 25 years
Damn, people need to lighten up here, OP posts an obvious joke and half of the comments are just “mUh iNdUsTrIaL SaFeTy”
I got some for free because my brother found a store that actually imports them (they aren’t available in regular supermarkets) and bought some.
Tastes like a generic sugar-free drink, I’d just go with a regular energy drink since it tastes better
I think that a lot of people are missing this, my first Windows was Windows XP, so I’m pretty much used to doing everything through a GUI
I work with frozen food boxes and on some of them you can just give few good smacks along the top and half of the tape will just unstick. Then just give a good pull to one of the halfs and you are in.
To break down the box, just flip it on the side and punch, usually that is enough to get one end of the tape unstuck and you can pull it off.
No tools needed at all