You’re not unless you keep the licence.
All pronouns
You’re not unless you keep the licence.
You’re again assuming that the GPL only restricts non-free licences. This is not the case. If I add a feature to a piece of GPL software, I can’t use BSD on my new code even though the new code isn’t derivative work. Hell, if I write a completely independent piece of software that links to GPL software, my new software has to be GPL even though not a single line of GPL code was used. All of this also applies to free licences like BSD. The GPL doesn’t protect freedom, it protects itself.
The GPL doesn’t restrict selling. Go read the damn thing before arguing about it.
That’s also false. The GPL doesn’t only restrict non-free licences, it restricts any licence change on the derivative work. If I fork a GPL project and want to redistribute my changes with a free licence such as MIT, the GPL will prevent it to protect itself. It’s an authoritarian licence that doesn’t respect your freedom.
That’s false. Derivative software that doesn’t use the BSD licence has no bearing on the BSD-licenced software itself. For example, Sony using FreeBSD for the PS3 operating system has zero impact on the freedom of a FreeBSD user. The GPL, on the other hand, directly infringes on the user’s freedom to fork and redistribute the software.
It is one less freedom.
The GitHub owned by Microsoft? That GitHub?
BSD is freer than GPL. Fight me.
I’m sure in your head that was a great comeback. Good job, champ.
I have feature updates disabled and security ones delayed for 4 days but that’s only for the notification. It doesn’t actually do anything unless I click “Update”. That’s why I don’t get what you mean by saying it doesn’t allow you to update on demand. I’m on Windows Education so it might be different for Pro since it has less features.
I never “got” fanatical movements or beliefs.
Said the guy defending Apple on Lemmy. Oh, boy.
Wat. Enterprise does allow you to update whenever you want.
Can’t you just bury your head in the sand like the rest of us? Linux is literally perfect if you ignore all of its flaws.
You’re missing the part where Trump has no authority to do any of that.
No legitimate complains allowed. Didn’t you hear that Linux is perfect and there’s absolutely nothing that needs improvement?
I’m rooting for you to get ahead in the bell curve.
Oh, I see. You’ll get there.
You mean Ubuntu at both ends?
I too would be wary of anyone working at Microsoft (or Oracle, or Salesforce, or SoftTech, or Tata or a bank).
It is mutually exclusive. You cannot “protect freedom” and impose restrictions on freedom. Also, no, you just explained how the licences worked and didn’t provide a single argument as to why having the freedom to licence your work however you want is a bad thing. The GPL doesn’t ensure that the software stays free, it ensures that it keeps control of the software and all future additions to it even if they’re completely unrelated.
Also, copyleft is just newspeak for copyright.