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They work well at neutralizing large concentrations of infantry provided the combatants like the cut and feel of the shirts.
It only counts as a tank if it can deliver a pineapple unscathed to the center of enemy territory.
An IFV/AFV is designed to make it very difficult for an enemy to bring a pineapple unscathed to the center of your territory, presenting a dynamic defensive capacity that takes concentrated antiarmor capability to neutralize or deny.
These things are almost the same but the differences end up mattering a whole lot… but sometimes they don’t. The movement and precise location of the line between “IFV/AFV” and “MBT” is a question answered in conversations about geopolitics, shipping capacity, railways (is it really a tank if you can move it with an airplane? not just the tank but everything else you need with it) and access to Anti-Pineapple equipment. Answers are defined in terms of “theaters” of war.
For what it is worth I am not trying to dunk on being awkward, introverted or neurodivergent in a way that makes it hard to be confident in “normal” social situations (i.e. a normal defined by people with a brain entirely unlike yours). I don’t mean that kind of computer geek.
The thing is, there are plenty of hot people who would think you are hot for being exactly that precise kind of nerd, or artist, or just different person with a different brain it’s just that interesting and different people are usually shy because of how people treat them for being interesting and different and so it is hard to actually find that other hot cool weirdo and get into a conversation with them. Once you do, you are off to the races into some weird kind of sexy nerdy wonderous relationship and all this incel nonsense collapses in one moment of looking into their eyes.
The losers I am talking about never get to that point because they are never nice enough to a woman long enough to have them gaze into their eyes like that and a whole lot of them went into computers or business…
The people I am attacking are too narrow minded to understand that the reason nobody they are attracted to wants to talk to them is the way they treat the people they are attracted to in moment to moment social interactions and also in political ideology and values.
Computers are cool as fuck, computer people are great, we just need more cool people to dilute and displace the toxicity of this kind of ingrown toxic male masculinity that permeates a lot of video game and computer circles. It isn’t just bad for women, it actually erodes the capacity of the men in these circles to critically think, in otherwords this shit is brainworms.
TL;DR Make Computing Great Again a.k.a. bring it back to it’s roots a.k.a. make it queer, feminine and militantly focused on fighting oppression and totalitarian ideologies again
I mean I take your point but again you are just describing the technical details of localization. The little fiddly bits that can be automated and neatly dealt with by a computer or person with an accountant’s mindset for making sure little things plug neatly and cleanly into other little things. Any concept of “localization” that does not include careful consideration of the vast territory of nuance that surrounds the much easier technical details seems useless to me in the context of solving any actual real world problem.
When it comes to the actual hard parts about localization I am fairly certain almost every computer professional I have ever met or talked to does not understand them. The more successful a computer person is in their career the more they tend to think everything in the world functions like computers and thus they don’t need to try to understand alternate systems or phenomena that don’t adhere to their narrow tool belt of critical thinking strategies that can’t handle even a homeopathic amount of ambiguity or subjective nuance.
These types of people spend all day thinking in programs and then go home and play factorio and they think they are the smartest people in the entire universe, and they are idiots. Very very skilled idiots.
Not to tech bros, they were to hungover from their sketchy frat bro ragers full of men hoping to get lucky and commit sexual assault to pay attention in that one humanities class they took freshman year.
Language studies are an obsolete profession to them, the future they have built is bullshit all the way down, there is nothing left to study other than the language of utter incompetency and proud willful ignorance steeped in chauvinism which they eminate like a 2005 vintage Abercrombie & Fitch mall store eminated vapors of shitty cologne.
idk I think the A-10 is more of a trad-CAS influencer than a genuine warplane suited for near-peer conflicts in contested airspace at this point, it is weird and I am pretty sure it isn’t a good idea but the algorithm likes the brand so shrugs I think the successor to the A-10 needs to lean into the whole influencer lifestyle thing from the get go.
Make it look cool and design an advanced network of escort drones that constantly orbit the aircraft ready to launch into action at the first sign of content and beginning taking selfies of the aircraft.
Maximum impact will be achieved from the pilot having access to a social media avionics suit complete with a state-of-the-art “A-10 Trad-CAS” reply-by-wire guy Automated Post Authoring System customized from software developed by the CIA to help topple vulnerable democratic governments in central and south america.
sure, snooker is fine and all for a casual game but it is no crokinole