Didn’t they vote on it? If you were member of the democrats couldn’t you have voted for him in primaries? I honestly think many people in the US just aren’t progressive enough even if they’d benefit from it
Didn’t they vote on it? If you were member of the democrats couldn’t you have voted for him in primaries? I honestly think many people in the US just aren’t progressive enough even if they’d benefit from it
Elect representatives and use non-violent acts to shape public perception so the law is changed. If it is legal and he isn’t actively like murdering/torturing people I don’t think you can really argue he should be imprisoned. Just my take. Also, there are no “good people” and “bad people”. Its not black and white.
Actively killing someone =/= someone dying by an avoidable cause of death
The legal system isn’t created by the rich. Sure they can afford lawyers and have a higher influence in politics. The country is still a democracy but the people have to vote in their best interest to get better healthcare. Systematic change is needed, so the root cause. You could say by killing this guy all you’re doing is trying to treat a symptom of a broken system, even tho I would say his death doesn’t even fully do that. Its just one more death. An avoidable and unnecessary death. I don’t claim his corporate policies but murder like this has no place in a democracy with rule of law to change things. If a CEO started looking out for the best health of the customer it would be against the interest of the shareholder as it would make the company less profitable. A systematic change like unified public healthcare is needed. No private entities. No healthcare shouldn’t be tied to work.
You can’t claim moral superiority while promoting murder.
I feel like I’m kinda somewhere in between tech conservative and paranoid. I am privacy conscious but I don’t engage in privacy related content too often. I use Arch, Manjaro, /e/OS on a fairphone with mostly foss apps and decline most cookies I can. I also like self hosted things just because the corporate SaaS stuff sucks over time with artificial restrictions and has no privacy