No fascism is when you’re against free speech & constantly advocating violence against non-violent people who have exercised free speech, and then when someone does apologize for speech you didn’t like then 5 years later you’re still trying to censor those people.
Even wearing a swastika or flying a Nazi flag doesn’t mean you’re a murderer or that you intend to murder people. Many modern Nazis don’t believe that 6 million Jews were murdered and that those were facts made up by powerful Jews, so to claim they intend to murder more people because of it is ridiculous when they don’t believe the murder happened. In fact, what I’ve seen recently online is a prevalence of people like yourself (that I’m hopeful are mostly bot accounts) advocating for murdering & being violent against those who appear to be wearing Nazi symbolism or using some Nazi hand gesture, but who are being non-violent.
Everyone, even you, has the potential to become violent. That doesn’t mean people should attack you because you have potential to become violent. That is not how free speech works and is fascist behavior.
He literally apologized and took a multi-year break. His content was mostly just video games and at times a little edgy. Regardless, at what point do you decide you can get more accomplished by volunteering and showing people love through kindness. Here you are talking about how violence is good. Should I follow you around the Internet forever now reminding everyone how you think being violent is a good thing, even after you say you are sorry for it and don’t want to hurt people?