This is not a serious argument. It’s just anti-renewables BS packaged as anti-Chinese BS. It can be dismissed on either count.
I don’t read my replies
This is not a serious argument. It’s just anti-renewables BS packaged as anti-Chinese BS. It can be dismissed on either count.
The quality of this meme is way too good for NCD, but it’s the only sub that gets the joke.
Modern aircraft last considerably longer than the ones from 1910. Just think, how many F16s have you seen versus how many Spad VIIs? It’s simple logic.
I didn’t consider the friction of integrating it into your existing process because I use a manual password manager. But who is saying you should replace a password manager with passkeys? It was always meant to be a parallel system.
Edit: I just wanted to add that people like you and I who have “solved” our credentials problems are a tiny minority. Passwords are shit. Just because we’ve grown accustomed to them doesn’t change that.
Passkeys are light years ahead of 2fA in user experience. Why do you dislike them?
Security based on devices is one of the positive innovations of smartphones and perhaps the only area where they’ve improved over the desktop experience.
It’s difficult to measure rape statistics across countries. But we know, that if guns were prophylactic to rape, the US should have a disproportionately low statistic. It does not.
And anybody who knows about rape knows that guns are impotent to stop the vast majority. That’s because a large portion of rape victims support and protect their attacker because it’s somebody they love.
But sure, in an 80s action move fantasy, a woman with a gun is safe I guess.
Foucault would like a word.
Jokes on you these birds fly backward. Elon said it would be more efficient that way.
The problem your going to have is lacrosse players become officers, and enlisted men are the ones who throw grenades.
Remember, it’s not Thunberg’s argument that aggravates the reactionary. It’s her status to make the argument in public, and be listened to! It’s the degradation of having to listen to the ideas of a “little girl”, that’s the pebble in their shoe.
Someone at NATO heard that the Russians were ahead of the West in number of tossed turrets by number and distance. He took it as a challenge.
Rotting potatoes might just be the foulest odor on earth. Worse than rotting flesh.
I read once that an entire family in Eastern Europe was wiped out by potato fumes. First the mother descended into the root cellar and was overcome. Then each other member one at a time went looking to see where everyone had gone only to succumb each in turn.
That’s a prime rib roast and it’s beautiful. That’s closer to Med Rare than Blue.
Someone mashed it with a fork to get those red juices to the surface. (mioglobin, not blood) And that bright red color of the flesh is because it was just cut off the roast and is only just being exposed to oxygen.
Most Christian ideas about hell are from Dante and Milton laundered through loony toons. And in Milton’s version, Satan is the protagonist.
What about Archangel?
What’s up whit this Gadsden flag militia bullshit in left spaces after Trump?
Everybody thinks they are the French Resistance when it’s going to go down like the Branch Dividians. But maybe that’s too generous. Who are we going to arm? Undocumented people? Trans people? And they’re going to shoot who? The cops, ICE? what’s the plan General?
This is is patriarchy in real time. He’s attacking that guy’s masculinity as a public reminder that real men enforce gender norms even in the most intimate relationships. It’s preying on insecurity to control men to control women.
This kind of gender enforcement is pretty common for boys aged 4 until death. The trick of the true oppressor is to get you to surveil yourself.
Open Edge? ewwwww.
winget install Mozilla.Firefox
The joke is calling HR for an emergency.
I tell people it’s like a cross between a croissant and a tortilla.