No, it’s much simpler- distro maintainers moved to it because it’s simpler for them to roll out, and they don’t get blamed for the problems.
No, it’s much simpler- distro maintainers moved to it because it’s simpler for them to roll out, and they don’t get blamed for the problems.
That’s a nice big load of nonsense you have there. Unfortunately for you, it’s already been proven that Chinese interests are funding anti-american/Republican think tanks, non profits, and politicians.
I take issue with Americans taking their business to foreign governments that are happily and gleefully accelerating the corruption of said domestic powers into the exact behavior that is causing Americans to want to shop elsewhere.
It’s going “I dislike how my government is treating me, so I’m going to support the people that are contributing to why my government is treating me that way.”
Nice straw man.
Good, that means you’re smarter than all the people in this thread using it.
Imagine being so addicted to low effort effort memes destroying your attention span that, given an opportunity to break free, you double down and prostitute yourselves to a hostile foreign power.
A massive, massive astroturfing campaign Epic Games paid for in hopes of tarnishing Valve and Gabe Newell’s reputation to try and bolster their failure of a shop ecosystem.
Unfortunately, it worked, because there are people on the net who don’t remember the and days before steam, or even the initial versions of steam that people had Actual problems with, and not just made up ones.