I wouldn’t go down this route, painting all rednecks as Maga supporters is not fair to them or conducive to a good outcome.
And there are plenty of MAGA dipshits who aren’t rednecks. If you watched the Mummers parade today, you saw a bunch of Delco bigots who wouldn’t know a tractor from a turnip truck. But those guys sure looked pretty in their dresses.
This is a big point. I briefly took a job in Northern California two years ago and met more openly-racist bigots and transphobes than I ever met in my Appalachian hometown
I’ve made comments about how Mississippians are not what they’re made out to be. Not a welcome comment around here.
There’s an important distinction to be made between rednecks and hillbillies. The south would like you toe believe that anything non-urban is redneck, this is not so.
Hillbillies are generally a specific type of non urban. Here in Appalachia we refer to them as off the mountain. You don’t just run into hillbillies. You have to go where they go.
The rest of us are rednecks. I don’t think redneck is “everyone south and rural” but it’s pretty close.
Exactly, and a lot of the people who were at Jan 6 were from upper middle class suburban white america who flew in to DC taking time off from their cushy jobs to larp as revolutionaries.
I had no idea what you were talking about but JFC what a cringy bunch of freaks. The Wikipedia article had photos that turned my stomach.
It’s a longstanding Philadelphia tradition with a problematic history of casual and overt racism.
It’s problematic just because of the stupid shit they’re wearing. WTF?!?!
Some of the costumes are rather intricate and impressive. And then sometimes they’re racist. People who defend the Mummers try to pretend the bigots have been removed and prohibited frim returning, but this year some bigots attacked the crowd while waving MAGA flag.
The musical acts are good, though. Lotta fun for the kids.
So redneck agenda is different from MAGA agenda? Do tell.
Wtf is “redneck agenda,” the farmers almanac?
Redneck here. Fuck Trump and fuck you for thinking I support him.
Hope this helps.
Cody Barlow ain’t no bigot
Rednecks are historically left. Big on unions.
Historically Republicans were instrumental in abolishing slavery. Today’s version wants it back.
Mmmm political left and right don’t align strictly on a union-supporting axis. Even left and right don’t really mean much anymore, because the Conservative party isn’t anchored to a specific set of ideologies the was Progressives are. A conservative will support a union when the union helps rhe conservative, will oppose the union when the union hurts the conservative, and will demonize the union when it helps them get elected by lathering up their base of voters.
Progressives support labor rights, equitable pay, and regulations that protect the safety and liberty of the worker. Progressives will support those ideals even when it does not help them directly.
Many people associate Communists and Socialists with the “left” and Libertarians and Free Market Capitalists with the “right”. But there are conservative communists and progressive capitalists.
Whaa? “Many people associate Communists and Socialists with the “left” and Libertarians and Free Market Capitalists with the “right”. But there are conservative communists and progressive capitalists.” You can’t be a conservative Communist, its oxymoronic, dito for the other one too. If you call yourself a communist and have conservative ideals u are not a communist and should change your believes or be removed for communist spaces. On the other hand if you call yourself progressive and support capitalism you aren’t progressive as capitalism is inherently oppressive. You can call yourself whatever you’d like but you have to walk the walk too, to be it.
Of course you can be a conservative Communist. Most of China is both communist and conservative.
Ultimately, you can call yourself whatever you want.
Socialism is left/liberal as a concept (and so is capitalism, in actual fact)… It’s not left/liberal when implemented at scale…
The arbiter of resources, whatever or whoever that may be, invariably becomes right/authoritarian. The simple nature of the arbitration causes it, and a truly left/liberal society would, by necessity, require a lack of said arbitration.
Such a society cannot exist at scale. History has proven that repeatedly. A left/liberal society could arguably only exist as anarchy, and frankly, capitalism is far closer to that than communism is. The “every man for himself” nature of capitalism is inherently more capable of providing individual liberty and equal opportunity than the “to each according to his needs”, very simply because of the inherent requirement of having an entity judge that need… Said judging entity is inherently authoritarian in nature…
Eat shit OP. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
I’m a lefty to the bone and have been since I was a kid. I’ve spent most of my life in the south and have met some amazing redneck folks that don’t fit into this mold.
Basically, don’t put your potential working class allies into a box.
This isn’t helping, and it isn’t true.
I live in Oklahoma, drive an Old Green Truck™, have a lazy dog of unknown breed, and I work in a machine shop. Last week my neighbor and I rebuilt a motorcycle engine and put it in his bike. My wife and I have chickens. I’m a pretty sterotypical “redneck”.
I’ve voted democrat in every election since 2000.
It sounds like OP is terribly confused, and is associating people from two different groups while they really have nothing in common, which is something MAGA dipshits also do.
I’m born and raised in Appalachia, my daddy worked in the coal mines and drove an 18 wheeler. Certified redneck enough that I confuse the shit out of my New England neighbors.
I went out and marched with striking nurses when Bernie put out the call, and I’ve never voted Republican in my entire fucking life.
OP, you need to learn what a redneck is.
When I was dating, I laughingly told a girl I was “kinda redneck”.
“Uh, exactly how redneck?”
“I loathe Trump and don’t start me on January 6th. If that’s what you’re asking.”
“Whew. Just checking.”
I like huntin’, fishin’, farmin’, shootin’ the revenuers that try to bust my still and steal my 'shine, and I stand in solidarity with my fellow workers against the evils of capitalism.
Is that sufficiently redneck?
(I don’t actually like fishing; I think it’s boring, and I don’t like fish very much.)
LOL, I’m on the water with my kayaks, canoe and little plastic boat, “Caught anything?”
“Uh, no. Just stopping on sandbanks and drinking Keystones. Walking around the woods and such. Uh, how about you? Catch anything?”