I have to go with Marx, he looks the most like Santa.
How do you think Marx was able to make his ideology so popular? He invented Christmas to instill communist ideals into the minds of everyone who celebrates the holiday
So that’s why Santa went from green to RED!
Diogenes: I shat in your stocking.
Diogenes gets to much credit for acting like a Hobo, he was just a cynical edge lord before it became popular. Who made a name for himself by acting up in public. He should be ashamed of himself for presenting such destructive and inaccurate ideas as a beneficial philosophy.
Man where is philosophymemes. Lemmy needs a community like this so bad.
I think you just appointed yourself founder and moderator
Nah I’m already modding 4 communities and have a disabling illness I’m sure someone else has more free time to do it.