Wow. This was Drax level of obliviousness.
Wow. This was Drax level of obliviousness.
I do have a oneplus, but I also upgraded 2 android versions when I got it.
I did have to turn it on. Under screenshot settings. If it’s not in stock android, they should add it.
I thought all andoird phones had the ability now to three finger swipe to take a screenshot. That’s what I use.
I still don’t know what they are referencing then cause whatever is going on doesn’t happen for me.
I think I’m too Android for this meme.
Damn, I felt that one.
I use Win11 for work and I don’t recall ever seeing any ads. But I’ll also admit that I turn off a bunch of stuff when I got it. So it’s not exactly a default experience.
Not sure how accidental it really is at this point.
Sometimes, but not always.
TBF, I kind of get it. If someone is using a public computer you wouldn’t want someone to be able to sign into a site they left open because they copied their password.
However, this won’t prevent anyone from copying the password into something like notepad and just typing it out. So in the end, it’s useless and makes things less user friendly. Which is what I expect these days.
It’s downhill if you’re born into a rich family.
Robin Hood remains a popular story for a reason.
I had to come back and take a second look at your username. It’s exactly what I thought it was. Interesting choice.