And jeez what happened to it anyways? It actually used to be pretty decent back in the 98/XP/7 days :(
: “Hey kid… wanna listen to the sound the Linux kernel makes when you push it through the sound card?”why is that valuable though
Because you can listen to the sound the Linux kernel makes when you push it through the sound card?
Who are you?
I am someone who likes to listen to the sound the Linux kernel makes when you push it through the sound card.
I have a script for this! I took the commands from somewhere, I just put them into a script.
Why does it need value? Living to extract value and nothing else is toxic to your body mind and soul.
doesn’t bitch about encodings or signatures or checksums or something not looking like a media file. If you do something stupid (like pipe an executable file into it), it won’t tell you to go back to the child-safe play pen, it will pass the data to ALSA and do its best to render it as sound.The Windows mind can’t comprehend the importance of the freedom to fuck around. But, looking at your comment history, you’re more of a professional contrarian and won’t even try to do that.
why is it not
that’s not an answer :/
You now they’re just being silly, right?
The C in VLC stands for Chad
From Wikipedia:
The VideoLAN software originated as a French academic project in 1996. VLC used to stand for “VideoLAN Chad” when VLC was a chad from the VideoLAN project. Since VLC is no longer merely a chad, that initialism no longer applies.
If something doesn’t open in VLC, you can usually safely assume the file is corrupt lol
Just because VLC plays a file doesn’t mean that the file isn’t corrupted.
If something doesn’t open in VLC…then you should probably try it in Media Player Classic, and if that doesn’t work then the file is totally fucked.
Or mpv, the real chad.
VLC represents what the internet could have been and what it should have been.
Wish we could start again with a new internet.
It’s because Jean-Baptiste Kempf is a GOAT and said “non” to fuck-you amounts of money to sell out VLC.
I don’t know if I’ve had the strength to say no to that much money and obviously, that kind of cash has corrupted all but a few bastions of what makes the Internet an awesome place.
Shoutout to Raymond Hill of uBlock Origin fame and all those supporting the lists it depends on. Some many adblockers sold out (including the original uBlock) but he champions on making the Internet a remarkably better place when used. Dude even refuses donations (says list maintainers deserve it more).
“Oh no, I can’t play this modern video file using a codec that’s literally been around for more than 10 years unless you pay me $0.99 for a codec pack…”
Every single time I forget to change it and I want to play an h265 file from my phone.
That’s the logo for a multi-billion dollar corporation’s built-in media player for their flagship OS? It looks like one of my side projects.
That logo paid for some kids house.
Everything is a .wav, you just lack the frequency hearing range.
Back when /dev/dsp existed, you could pipe any data to it, and it’d treat it like PCM data. Wav files sounded like they were supposed to. Everything else sounded like… well, also like they’re supposed to, i guess.
If I’m not mistaken the people behind Videolan also did x264 which is a pretty major library used to encode h.264.
It’s a lesser known project from videolan but with a rather broad use online.