Has anyone stopped to consider that we may have the causality backwards here?
We know that frodo becomes invisible when wearing the ring, perhaps the reason we can never find the 10mm is that this was already done?
I think the image of the 10mm is supposed to go behind the ring. Otherwise the zip tie creates an impossible perspective, I think.
Yes, but there be magic.
How would losing the ring save middle earth? Sauron would have won if the ring wasn’t destroyed.
No, but what they’re saying is … Well, it’s funny because… Just shut up! Coming around here with all your LOGIC! Ruining our jokes.
Am I missing something about the zip tie shown here? Those things are pretty easy to cut open, easily defeating this lock or w/e.
It’s not about locking it.
Mechanics will always misplace a 10mm socket head so the joke is attach the ring to the socket and now the ring will never be found.
Oh I guess I misread the other comments, I assumed they were talking about a wrench or something to use on the socket rather than the socket thing itself
A meme for that weird cross section of LOTR and auto mechanics. Beautiful.
Pretty esoteric for everyone outside the 10mm socket using world
What is that thing?
It’s the One Ring crafted in secret by Sauron, a corrupted Maiar. The One Ring to rule them all, the One Ring to find them; the One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness, bind them.
Oh, so the picture is showing that One Ring! Makes sense now.
10mm socket, commonly known by mechanics to be the single most lost tool on the planet. Most cars use them a lot, but they’re always nowhere to be found
Clarification: it is actually The Ten MM Socket.
(In Middle Earth they do not exactly have machine shops, so they were only able to make one of them.)
I’ve been wondering why I’ve been having issues with missing 10mm’s lately.
It is a zip tie, frequently used to attach two things although in most cases it is pulled tightly and this is a rare case of it being used as a simple loop.
10mm socket
famously know by all mechanics to dissapear
mostly its just a common size, and since its used often, its odds of dissapeaing are high
That a 10mm nut, that always get lost and youll never find again
Thanks, in german it is “nuss” therefore nut :)
If i hear socket i think of lights like E14 and E27 socket
Yeah, in english the nut is the threaded fastener.
It took Sauron 3000 years and he still never found the ring
No idea but it must make OP chuckle
A single sock would work as well.
Gollum chewed off the zip tie.