I’m American, but observe on July 22nd.
Shit and I just ordered a new order of operations
Jesse, we need to calculate.
You can never trust Big Number.
They keep trying to make laws without going through Congress or the Senate.
I think this joke has gone full circle.
Pie are squared? No, pie are circled!
Pie are round. Cornbread are square!
Pie was never meant to be commercialised!
(Also come on guys, please stop shortening it to ‘pi’. We’re not restricted by '90s SMS length any more!)
Loved the joke, but I’m distracted. There are cabinets below the white board and storage space above. What is done with the extra space behind the whiteboard? I’m picturing like storage or cubbies in the next classroom over or something?
The whiteboards are on sliders or hinges to access shelving behind.
It’d be wild if the staff can store stuff behind the whiteboards.
Pi day is a fake holiday created by people who don’t know how to format dates. Also, relevant xkcd.
TIL XKCD has a mobile site
If you want a computer to sort dates in a sane manner, year-month-day is the only option. Anything else is madness.
ISO format is the only correct way to format dates.
Aw yeah! UTC gang!
Biggest to smallest - makes it easy to sort by date for things like folders of photos. And other things, I’m sure.
Biggest to smallest fails though for years which are smaller than the months, and for months which are smaller than the days.
e.g. Dec 1st 2003, would be written 12/03/01 biggest to smallest
I don’t think you’ve thought this through, and frankly I question your mother’s sexual decency.
Thats because they dont have the same starting spot
Finally, a fellow scholar!
Four digit years are required, as are dashes. 2012-03-01
Do you even ISO, bro?
I mean biggest to smallest in units of time (year/month/day)
Biggest is referring to length of time, not number. Years are bigger than months are bigger than days, temporally.
The version I like better for some reason: Pi day is just a fake holiday created by big math to sell more formulas.
It’s mathmagic!
“One math, please!”
developed in a math lab
If you think this is bad, how about the fact that Americans only have one math!
The time has come to stop the greedy hoarding of maths by Europeans. Let’s open up our hearts and donate another math or two to these poor unfortunate souls.
We tried coming up with some new math so that we’d have more than one, but it was met with significant pushback.
Lehrer explained it so poorly it put people off.
It was starting to change under Biden, but Trump put tariffs on importing math.